Hebrew Typing Helps
◌ used as place holder to put vowels and accent marks (added Alfred text-expander shortcut as !circ) U+05AB ◌֫ the ole, used as a generic accent mark ֫ (added Alfred text-expander shortcut as !ole) ֫Copy
◌ used as place holder to put vowels and accent marks (added Alfred text-expander shortcut as !circ) U+05AB ◌֫ the ole, used as a generic accent mark ֫ (added Alfred text-expander shortcut as !ole) ֫Copy
The SBL Hebrew Font User Manual is worth a skim. There is a lot that goes into a unicode Hebrew font whent the cantilation and other Hebrew Bible marks come into play. One issue is normalization. You should not normalize Hebrew fonts because it may affect the ordering of vowels and cantilation marks. Psalm 27:13 is an example of a problematic Hebrew verse with extra markings that are in the text but unknown: ...