Hebrew Verb Patterns

Qatal/Perfect Singlar Plural 3M ◌◌◌ ◌◌◌וּ 3F ◌◌◌ָה — 2M ◌◌◌תָּ ◌◌◌תֶּם 2F ◌◌◌תְּ ◌◌◌תֶּן 1C ◌◌◌תִּי ◌◌◌נוּ Yiqtol/Imperfect Singlar Plural 3M י◌◌◌ י◌◌◌וּ 3F תּ◌◌◌ תּ◌◌◌נָה 2M תּ◌◌◌ תּ◌◌◌וּ 2F תּ◌◌◌ִי תּ◌◌◌נָה 1C א◌◌◌ נ◌◌◌ Imperative Note: The Imperative is the same as the Yiqtol/Imperfect but removes the preformatives. Singlar Plural 2M ◌◌◌ ◌◌◌וּ 2F ◌◌◌ִי ◌◌◌נָה

April 28, 2024 · 1 min · Forrest Berry

Piel Verb Table

A table of the Hebrew Piel Verb paradigm for דב׳׳ר

April 5, 2024 · 1 min · Forrest Berry